March 2023

Overcoming Mom Guilt

One of the most common challenges among mothers is MOM GUILT. You know what I’m talking about. It’s that feeling of self-doubt and inadequacy that so many of us mothers feel and experience as we navigate the joys and challenges of raising our children.  Motherhood is an amazingly beautiful and rewarding journey. However, it is […]

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Creating a Christ-centered Home

Creating a Christ-centered home is essential for us, as Christian moms, who want to raise our children in a way that honors God and helps our children to grow spiritually. A Christ-centered home intentionally incorporates Christian values and principles into our daily lives. We create an environment where our entire family can thrive spiritually.  But

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Power of Encouragement: How to Build Up Your Children

Encouragement is the act of giving support, praise, love, and affirmation to someone. It can be as simple as a kind word or a pat on the back. Something even that small can make a world of difference in someone’s life. Encouragement helps build confidence, resilience, and a positive outlook on life. Encouragement is a

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