October 2022

8 Myths about Christians and Christianity Debunked

As a Christian, I have heard people say so many things about my beliefs that are not true. Today, I want to debunk 8 myths about Christians and Christianity.  Looking in as non-Christians, a lot of people see things and get the wrong idea about us. So, I want to try to give simple explanations […]

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5 Ways to Improve Writing Skills

As a writer, I’m always looking for ways to improve writing skills. Over the years, I have gathered a few tips for my writing skills, and I want to share them so you can also improve your writing.  Ways to Improve Writing Skills #1: Write Daily If you are a singer, you practice on a

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12 Tips for a Family Christmas

These tips for family Christmas activities will have you ready before the Christmas season officially hits. Yes, I know. It’s only October. However, we are running straight into the holiday season. I think we can all use some tips for family Christmas.  First is Halloween. Next is Thanksgiving. Then we have Christmas and many other

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Alternative School Lunch Options–Mix It Up with Different Lunch Foods

When you think about packed school lunches, PB&J or ham and cheese sandwiches come to mind. While sandwiches certainly make for nice school lunch, they are not your only option. Mix it up by fixing some alternative school lunch options for your kids this school year. Alternative School Lunch #1: Make It A Wrap A

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