
Bible Study on Love; flat lay of Bible on a table with a notebook and a coffee

Bible Study on Love: From Head to Heart

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Love is a word we hear often, but how often do we pause to consider what it truly means? The Bible tells us that love is not just a feeling—it’s an action, a command, and the very essence of who God is. This 7-day Bible study on love invites you to reflect on love as defined in Scripture, exploring its depth, power, and transformative nature. Love is also part of the Fruit of the Spirit. 

Each day, we’ll focus on a specific aspect of love, from understanding God’s unconditional love for us to putting love into action in our daily lives. Through reflection, journaling, prayer, and practical steps, you’ll discover how to grow in love for God, others, and even yourself. Take time to immerse yourself in God’s Word and let His love transform your heart.

Let’s begin this journey to deepen our understanding of love, allowing it to shape every part of our lives and relationships.

Day 1: What the Bible Says About Love

Key Scripture: Matthew 22:37-39
Jesus said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”

Bible Study on Love; person studying the Bible by the lake

Devotional Insight:
In these two simple commands, Jesus sums up the entire law and the prophets. How we love God and others is at the very heart of our faith, yet it’s easier said than done. Loving God requires our whole being—our thoughts, emotions, and actions. Loving others calls us to move beyond ourselves, seeking their good even when it’s inconvenient or challenging.

This Bible study on love invites you to reflect on how these two commandments shape the way we live. Consider how love looks in your daily life. Do your actions reflect your love for God and those around you? As you meditate on this scripture, invite God to show you areas where your love can grow.

Journaling Prompt:

  • In what ways do I currently express my love for God?
  • How can I better prioritize loving God and others in my daily life?

Action Steps:

  • Set aside 10 minutes today to pray and express your love for God.
  • Write down one way you can intentionally show love to someone in your life this week.
  • Ask God to reveal opportunities to demonstrate His love to others.

Reflective Question:
Why do you think Jesus tied loving God and others together as the greatest commandments?

Prayer Prompt:
Lord, thank You for showing us what love looks like through Your Word. Help me to love You with all my heart, soul, and mind and to love others as You have loved me.

Day 2: Types of Love in the Bible

Key Scripture: 1 Corinthians 13:4-7
Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

Bible Study on Love; illustration of a tree with the types of Biblical love at the roots

Devotional Insight:
The Bible describes different types of love, each playing a unique role in our relationships. Agape is unconditional, sacrificial love, the kind of love God shows us. Phileo is the love of friendship and camaraderie, and storge is natural, familial love. While these loves differ in expression, all reflect God’s character when rooted in His truth.

In this Bible study on love, we’ll explore how agape love—the love described in 1 Corinthians 13—transforms the way we interact with others. This love isn’t based on feelings but on commitment and action. How often do we strive for this kind of love in our relationships?

Journaling Prompt:

  • Which aspect of love in 1 Corinthians 13 do I find the most challenging?
  • How can I practice agape love in my family, friendships, or community?

Action Steps:

  • Reflect on one relationship where you can show more patience or kindness.
  • Choose one of the attributes of love in 1 Corinthians 13 and practice it intentionally today.
  • Thank God for His agape love and ask Him to help you reflect it in your interactions.

Reflective Question:
How does understanding the different types of love help you grow in your relationships?

Prayer Prompt:
Lord, thank You for showing me the depth and breadth of Your love. Teach me to reflect agape love in my words, actions, and relationships.

Day 3: God’s Love for Us

Key Scripture: Romans 5:8
But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Devotional Insight:
God’s love is unconditional and sacrificial. It isn’t based on our worthiness or anything we can do to earn it. While we were still lost in sin, God sent His Son to die for us, offering the ultimate act of love. His love is steadfast, unwavering, and available to us every day.

In this Bible study on love, we’ll focus on the immeasurable depth of God’s love for us. His love is not dependent on our actions or behavior—it’s a gift freely given. Do you find it hard to accept this kind of love? Many of us struggle to feel worthy of God’s love. But Scripture reminds us that His love is a gift, freely given—not something we can deserve or repay.

Bible Study on Love; person holding her hands up to the night sky full of stars.

Journaling Prompt:

  • What does it mean to you that God loved you even before you turned to Him?
  • How can you embrace and live in the confidence of God’s love?

Action Steps:

  • Write a prayer of gratitude for God’s sacrificial love.
  • Reflect on how God has shown His love to you through your life experiences.
  • Share an act of kindness today as a reflection of God’s love working through you.

Reflective Question:
How does knowing that God’s love is unconditional change the way you view yourself and others?

Prayer Prompt:
Father, thank You for loving me even when I fall short. Help me to rest in the knowledge of Your love and share it freely with those around me.

Day 4: Loving Others

Key Scripture: John 13:34-35
A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.

Devotional Insight:
Jesus set the ultimate example of love for others through His humility, service, and sacrifice. He calls us to follow His example—not just to love those who are easy to love, but to extend grace, patience, and kindness even to those who challenge us.
Loving others is a tangible way to reflect God’s love and demonstrate our faith. It’s in our actions, not just our words, that others will see Christ. This Bible study on love challenges us to evaluate how we love those around us. Are we showing love to all, or only to those who are easy to love?

Journaling Prompt:

  • How do I currently show love to others in my daily life?
  • What’s one area where I can improve in loving those around me?

Bible Study on Love; hands of different people of different races held in a group to show love

Action Steps:

  • Look for an opportunity today to serve someone selflessly, even in a small way.
  • Forgive someone who has hurt you, and pray for God to soften your heart toward them.
  • Reach out to someone you haven’t spoken to in a while and remind them they’re loved.

Reflective Question:
What does it mean to you to love others “as Christ has loved you”?

Prayer Prompt:
Lord, help me to love others the way You have loved me—with humility, grace, and forgiveness. Show me how to reflect Your love in my actions and words today.

Day 5: Forgiveness as a Part of Love

Key Scripture: Ephesians 4:32
And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.

Bible Study on Love; man and woman hugging as a sign of forgiveness

Devotional Insight:
Forgiveness is one of the most challenging yet vital aspects of love. When we forgive, we let go of bitterness and make space for healing and restoration. God forgave us through Christ, and He calls us to extend that same grace to others.
Forgiving someone doesn’t mean excusing their behavior or ignoring the pain they caused. It means releasing the hurt to God and trusting Him to bring justice and healing. In this Bible study on love, we see how forgiveness is an integral part of living out God’s love. If we hold onto unforgiveness, we hinder our ability to fully love others as Christ has loved us.

Journaling Prompt:

  • Is there someone I need to forgive? What’s holding me back?
  • How has God’s forgiveness impacted my life, and how can I reflect that forgiveness to others?

Action Steps:

  • Pray for someone who has wronged you, asking God to help you release any resentment.
  • Write a letter (even if you don’t send it) expressing forgiveness to someone who has hurt you.
  • Meditate on God’s forgiveness in your life and thank Him for His grace.

Reflective Question:
How does forgiving others allow you to experience God’s love more fully?

Prayer Prompt:
Father, thank You for forgiving me through Jesus Christ. Help me to extend that same forgiveness to others, letting go of resentment and trusting You to bring peace and healing.

Day 6: Love Without Fear

Key Scripture: 1 John 4:18
There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love.

Devotional Insight:
Fear and love cannot coexist in their fullness. When we fully embrace God’s perfect love, fear loses its power. Fear of rejection, failure, or inadequacy often holds us back from experiencing the fullness of God’s love and sharing it with others. Perfect love doesn’t mean life will be without challenges, but it reassures us that God is always with us. His love gives us the confidence to face the unknown and the strength to overcome fear. This Bible study on love reminds us that God’s love gives us the courage to move beyond our fears and trust in His ability to carry us through.

Bible Study on Love; woman stretching her arms out while standing on top of the mountain with the sun shining down on her

Journaling Prompt:

  • What fears do I need to surrender to God’s love?
  • How can I allow God’s love to give me peace and courage?

Action Steps:

  • Spend time in prayer, surrendering your fears to God and asking Him to fill you with His love.
  • Reflect on a situation where fear held you back, and consider how trusting God’s love might change your response.
  • Encourage someone who may be struggling with fear by sharing a Scripture or word of hope.

Reflective Question:
What would your life look like if you fully trusted in God’s perfect love?

Prayer Prompt:
Lord, thank You for Your perfect love that drives out fear. Help me to trust in You completely, knowing that Your love is greater than anything I face.

Day 7: Love in Action

Key Scripture: James 2:17
Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.

Devotional Insight:
True love isn’t just felt—it’s shown. Love in action reflects the heart of God and makes His presence known in the world. Whether it’s through small gestures of kindness or big sacrifices, love requires doing, not just saying. Jesus modeled love through His actions, and as His followers, we are called to do the same. Loving others actively demonstrates our faith and brings glory to God. This Bible study on love has led us to understand that love requires us to act, not just feel.

Journaling Prompt:

  • How can I put love into action in my daily life?
  • What is one way I can show God’s love to someone in need this week?

Bible Study on Love; diverse people working together in a community garden

Action Steps:

  • Volunteer your time to help someone in need or a local organization.
  • Perform a random act of kindness for a stranger today.
  • Reflect on a specific area where you can actively demonstrate love and make a plan to do so.

Reflective Question:
How can your actions today reflect the love of Christ to those around you?

Prayer Prompt:
Father, thank You for showing me how to love through Your Son, Jesus. Help me to live out my faith by loving others in tangible ways and being a light for Your glory.

Closing Reflection

As we close this study, take a moment to reflect on all you’ve learned about love this week. Love isn’t just an emotion—it’s a choice, an action, and a reflection of God’s character. From God’s unconditional love for us to our call to love others, forgive, and trust in His perfect love, this journey reminds us that love is at the heart of our faith.

Carry what you’ve learned into your daily life. Let love shape your words, actions, and relationships. Whether it’s through small acts of kindness, forgiving someone who hurt you, or trusting God more deeply, let love be the foundation of all you do.

Bible Study on Love; key points of the study in a graphic

Challenge for the Week Ahead:

  • Each day, intentionally practice one way of showing love to others.
  • Spend time in prayer, thanking God for His love and asking Him to help you grow in loving as Christ loves.

May this study inspire you to live a life that reflects the love of God. Remember, His love never fails and is always with you.

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