
Show someone that you care

5 Ways to Show Someone that You Care

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I am late for World Caring Day. It was June 7th, last Tuesday.

As with a lot of things, I show up late. However, in my opinion, it’s never too late to show someone that you care.

You can do it in many ways.

  1. Write a poem or story for someone.  As you can tell, by the fact that I have a blog, I am a writer. I love words. It’s how I show my feelings and communicate with others in hard times. Even if you aren’t great at words, you can show someone that you care when you write a story about him/her or the two of you together, or if you write a poem for him/her.
  2. Play board games together. My favorite board game is Clue. I love it, and I always play as Professor Plum. Purple is the best color ever, right? When my husband, daughter, and I play, my daughter usually wins. She’s really good at figuring out the clues.However, if I am going to show her that I really care about her, I will play Monopoly with her. She loves it. She beats me in it as well. In all the times that we have played in her 18 years, I’ve only won a handful of times. The last time I won, it was great. I won by a lot.
  3. Pack a picnic and go to the park. In my life, I have only been on 3-4 picnics with the blanket and a basket. I have been to the park several times and had picnics at the old, splintery wooden tables. As a kid, wearing shorts in the summer, it was always fun getting splinters in the back of my legs from those old tables. Now, I think that the county is replacing the old tables in our local parks with the metal ones. The good thing is that the paint they use on them is kind of rubbery and doesn’t get too hot with the summer sun. Here in NC, that’s a big deal!Call up a friend or family member. Ask him/her if you can take him/her on a picnic. It will be fun. You will love the time you spend together. Hang out under a shade tree and spend the afternoon together.
  4. Make a card or memory book for someone. I am a scrapbooker. I love it. Taking the pictures I have from family events and occasions, I can make pages and pages of scrapbooks. I started scrapbooking when my daughter was 7 or 8. I made a book for every year of her life, except, I never finished. She’s almost 19 and going into her second year of college in real years. In scrapbook years, she has just finished 1st grade. I haven’t scrapbooked in a few years, and I have a lot of catching up to do.We just moved into a new (to us) house. In the basement, my daughter is going to have her art studio for drawing, painting, and everything else she loves to do. I’m going to have a little section (maybe I’ll post a picture when I get it set up) for scrapbooking. I can’t wait.Grab a photo album from the store and some cute papers. Add some pictures of you and a friend. Give the book to your friend to show all your good times together.5. Make someone a favorite meal. I’m not a chef. I can make a few things that my family likes to eat, but I don’t often cook for others. However, I will buy a meal for someone, especially if I know it is a favorite! I will give a gift card or even have it delivered. I will cook, if it’s something I know I can make, but otherwise, I’ll find someone to make it.Make (or buy) a favorite meal for a friend and deliver it! I’m sure it will brighten your friend’s day!We never know what others are going through. We can always show someone we care by doing any of these things. Or, we can do hundreds of other things.What do you do to show others you care? How do you like for others to show they care for you?Be sure to comment below with your ways of showing you care.
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