
70 Reasons to Homeschool

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Over the past week or so, I have begun writing about homeschooling. It is by far the best decision we made for our daughter’s education. Today, I am going to give you a list (literally, a list) of 70 reasons to homeschool.  

I wrote a post on the Myths of Homeschooling. Then, I wrote about what we used and needed in our homeschool in the ABCs of Homeschooling

You do not have to read those before reading this post, but you should check them out. They house a lot of information for you. 

Reasons to Homeschool Your Child

As I said, this is going to be a list of 70 reasons. However, I am going to break them up into 5 categories–Academic, Social-Emotional, Kids’ Reasons, Unexpected Reasons, and Not-So Unexpected Reasons. 

If you have reasons to homeschool your child that are not on the list, please add them in the comments. I love learning about other families and why they chose (or are considering) homeschooling. 

Academic Reasons to Homeschool

  1. Kids learn at their own pace.
  2. Kids can study a variety of topics.
  3. Kids can dig into topics in which they are interested.
  4. Kids can help choose or create the curriculum from which they will be learning.
  5. Kids can learn life skills. Cooking, caring for themselves and others, gardening, and every task and skill required for keeping a home running can be learned while homeschooling. It is considered part of the children’s education.
  6. Kids don’t have “homework” at the end of the day. Sometimes things that aren’t finished can be left until the following day or later. 
  7. Kids can take more breaks as needed. There are no bathroom or hall passes needed. The children don’t have to ask permission to stretch beside their chairs or go to the restroom. (Ok, yes, they may need to ask, depending on their ages. However, typically, at home kids can use the restroom and get something to drink when they want.)
  8. Kids can learn in the way that is best for them. If they learn best with paper and pencil, then the curriculum can be paper and pencil. However, if the kids learn best online, with books, with videos, or whatever, that is what they can do to learn.
  9. Kids aren’t compared to the “average” student. As a teacher, I hate that label. No one is “average.” Every student is different and has different needs. Some students just fall more into the middle where they have learned to adapt and “need” less. At home, your kids aren’t compared to the “average” student because they are the average in your home. 
  10. Kids will have their needs met. Academic needs are not only learning needs. Sometimes these needs can be physical or mental. Parents will be able to see what needs the kids have and meet their needs for them. 
  11. Creativity is cultivated. 
  12. Imagination is nurtured.
  13. Hobbies can be part of the lessons. If you need information about hobbies, you can read this series of posts and find out more.
  14. Changes can be made as needed. If the kids are stressing out or struggling with a specific lesson, take a break or work on something else. Come back to that lesson later. 
  15. Homeschooled students tend to have higher scores on standardized achievement tests, according to NCHE.
  16. Parents can see what their kids are good at. They can then build on the strengths and support the weaknesses. Education is more individualized for the kids in homeschooling, and parents can help make them stronger in areas where they are struggling. 
  17. Lessons are shorter with fewer distractions. There isn’t a teacher who has to keep asking “Sally” to stay in her seat or “Billy” to stop throwing things. The kids are more focused on the work and not on what is going on in the room around them. They can complete their work more quickly, sometimes. 
  18. Parents can use real-life lessons to teach their kids. For example, kids can learn to budget for a grocery trip or a family vacation. Kids can also learn to care for a pet. 
  19. Parents can choose what is taught and how it is taught. 
  20. Parents address special needs as needed for living and learning.
  21. Learning is constant. There are no “no school days,” but there may be days that no lessons are planned. Kids can learn while out living life. Therefore, homeschooled students are more likely to become lifelong learners because they learn to find the lesson in everything they do. 

Social-Emotional Reasons to Homeschool

  1. There is less day-to-day pressure on the students and parents. 
  2. Homeschooling allows more time for fun and leisure.
  3. More opportunities are available for learning. Trips to the grocery store or library can be filled with learning activities.
  4. Kids become more independent thinkers and lifelong learners. There is a lesson in everything, and homeschooled kids tend to ask more questions to find it. 
  5. There are fewer opportunities for bullies. 
  6. Families get to know one another more. They can build stronger relationships with each member of the family.
  7. Kids get to relax and be themselves without fear of what may happen. The home environment is typically safer than school. Plus, there is less peer pressure to do things out of character.
  8. Parents can see and consistently handle behavior issues. 
  9. Kids are empowered when they feel like they have a voice and will be heard.
  10. Kids learn to serve. They can serve their family, but they also have more time to find volunteer opportunities.
  11. Lessons can include values and beliefs that the family holds as important.
  12. Lessons and topics fit the children’s learning styles and maturity levels. Some kids are more ready for topics or activities than others. The parents can decide how best to introduce lessons and topics to their own kids.
  13. Homeschooled kids are more creative, according to NCHE.
  14. Kids get to learn to be around a more diverse group of people–ages, genders, races, etc. 
  15. Parents can teach kids coping skills.
  16. Kids learn how to learn and not just how to know what will be on a test.
  17. Families can take mental health days.

Kids’ Reasons to Homeschool

  1. Every day is pajama day.
  2. They can sleep in and start later in the day instead of getting up to be at school at a specific time. 
  3. Birthdays can be holidays.
  4. There are more field trips to places that schools can’t always take students.
  5. They can complete their work anywhere.
  6. They are able to listen to music while they are working.
  7. They get to be themselves.
  8. When they are finished with something, they move on. They do not have to wait on other students to finish, and they do not have to rush to keep up with others who work at a faster pace.
  9. Eating and drinking are permitted while working on schoolwork.
  10. Sometimes video games are part of the lesson.
  11. They learn to learn, not for a test.
  12. There is more time for hobbies.
  13. They can learn with toys like Legos, Snap Circuits, Monopoly, and dolls.
  14. They can work at their desk, at a table, or on their beds. 

Not-So-Unexpected Reasons to Homeschool

  1. Religious beliefs or moral values. Parents can teach their children about their beliefs. Many people think this is the biggest reason that parents decide to homeschool, but it typically is not. It might play a part in the decision, but most of the time, it is not the main reason a family decides to homeschool.
  2. Political beliefs are a big reason. This does not surprise me, but I had never really seen anyone specifically state that they were homeschooling for this reason. However, it is a valid reason and parents have this choice.
  3. Parents are dissatisfied with the current situation in public schools. This could include the standards, the teachers, the administration, the buildings, the funding, or 1000 other things in public schools.
  4. Homes are typically safer than schools. Parents do not want their kids to be afraid to go to school to learn. They do not want to be worried about something that may happen at school. No parents want to get a notification or phone call that something has happened at their children’s school.  

Unexpected Reasons to Homeschool

  1. Kids eat better. Not only that, but they can learn to cook, clean, prepare meals, plan menus, and write a shopping list as part of their life skills lessons. I wrote a series about school lunches (and options for parents). You can read those here. I think they will be helpful even for homeschooling families.
  2. If the kids are sick, they can still do something educational, like listening to an audiobook or watching a documentary. 
  3. Kids are able to cuddle with their pets while they do their schoolwork.
  4. Homeschooled kids are typically more confident.
  5. Kids learn to manage their own time better. When they know what they have to complete for the day, kids will be able to learn time management and get things done. 
  6. The class can be outside, at the part, or anywhere. Homeschooling doesn’t have to happen at home. 
  7. Read-alouds can be done anytime and anywhere. 
  8. Families can travel during the “off” season on vacation. They can also go to zoos, museums, galleries, parks, and other places during the day when it is less crowded. 
  9. Homeschooling schedules are flexible, usually. They can be planned around the family’s schedule. 
  10. Parents can learn new things with their children.
  11. Homeschooled kids don’t get sick as often as students who are in a traditional classroom.
  12. Families can manage medical needs more easily because of the flexibility in the schedule.
  13. Kids can take lessons or have more practices for athletics, theater, music, or other activities during the day.
  14. There is more stability for military families who move to a new station or assignment. If a military family has to move in the middle of a school year, and the kids are in a traditional school, they have to leave their classes and go to a new one. This also means they may need uniforms or specific supplies for the new school. If the military family is homeschooled, they do not have to worry about making all the educational changes that come with being uprooted in the middle of the year.


I know this was a long list of reasons to homeschool. Before I made the decision to homeschool my daughter, I looked online for someone to give me reasons to homeschool her.

However, the only reason you need to homeschool your child(ren) is that it is YOUR family. Do what is best for you and your family. You can make it work. Next week, I will be giving tips for working while you are homeschooling your kids. I worked full-time and homeschooled my daughter. You can do it too! 

If you have any questions, contact me on Instagram. I would love to help you in your homeschool journey. 

As I said above, if you have other reasons to homeschool, add them in the comments. I’d love to hear from you.

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