
Mother’s Day 2023 for Cheap or Free

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Normally, I am writing to moms on this page. However, today, I’m writing to and for anyone who HAS a mom. We all have a mom, but some people no longer have their moms with them. It’s getting close to Mother’s Day, so I thought I would speak to the other people in our lives, just to give them an idea of what they could be thinking about doing this year. 

If there is a mom in your life whom you would like to celebrate on Mother’s Day this year, here are a few inexpensive ideas for you.

Mother’s Day is Sunday, May 14, 2023. 

If that is not already on your calendar and in your planner, put it there. Be sure to put it on your Google calendar (or whatever you have on your iPhone) and set a reminder for 5 days, 3 days, and 1 day before it. (Note: I have an Android so I have no clue what is available on the iPhone.)

If you are reading this in February when I publish it, then you have plenty of time to plan any of the great ideas on the list. 

If you are reading it closer to May 14th, you should probably get to work on your idea today! 

Mother’s Day Ideas

In our house, right now, my husband is the only person working full time. I teach Sign Language online once a week, but that’s part-time. That means that birthdays, Christmas, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, and all the other days are on a budget. 

I spend a lot of time with my parents since I only live a mile from them. I get to see them several times a week. For me, giving my time on Mother’s Day isn’t as good as other things I could do. Don’t get me wrong, my mother would love it, but I always want to do more.

Mother’s Day Idea #1–Scavenger Hunt

What if you were to get the mom in your life a gift and leave clues for her to find it? You could set it up beforehand and send her to some of her favorite places. This could be a gift you do as a whole family or something Mom does alone to have a relaxing day for herself. 

In the end, she returns home with the gift or to the gift. The gift could be a dinner that you cooked while she was out or a clean house. 

Mother’s Day Idea #2–Handmade Cards

Using supplies you probably have at the house already, you and/or the children could make cards for Mom. Each person could draw or create a card that includes fun things between that person and Mom. Then the messages inside would be much more personal than a store-bought card. 

Mother’s Day Idea #3–Breakfast in Bed

Mother’s Day is on a Sunday. It’s possible that you will not have time for breakfast in bed that morning if you are heading off to Sunday services at church. You could do this on Saturday morning. Make all of Mom’s favorite breakfast foods; if you don’t know these, just ask. Be sure to clean up the kitchen afterward as well.

Mother’s Day Idea #4–Quality Time

Spend time with Mom doing what she wants to do. This could be reading the Bible, reading books, writing, coloring, watching TV, or a host of other things. Take Mom to the park and have a picnic. Or, snuggle on the couch. Just spend time with Mom. This really doesn’t cost anything if you do it at home with things you already have at the house. 

Mother’s Day Idea #5–Volunteer Together

This is another Mother’s Day activity that you may have to do on a different day. Most volunteer activities aren’t available on Sundays, but you could do this on Saturday. If Mom is someone who loves to volunteer her time, having you (her husband, friends, and/or kids) with her will make it even better.

Mother’s Day Idea #6–Binge-watch TV

Does Mom have a favorite TV show? Sit down with some popcorn or her favorite snacks and watch a few episodes with her. If it’s not something she allows the children to watch, find a family-friendly alternative and watch it together. 

Mother’s Day Idea #7–Grant a Wish

This is an idea that will take some work and planning. Ask Mom what she wishes she would make if she could wish for anything. Then, try to make one come true, or as close as possible. 

You have to ask her beforehand so that you can set it up. It will take work, but if you really do grant one of her wishes, she will be so happy. This gift will literally be a “wish come true.” (Sorry; I love puns.) 

Mother’s Day Idea #8–Family Game Night

In my house, we really don’t do this often enough. I’m guessing it’s probably true in other homes as well. Our daughter asks for us to do game night, but then we always find something else we have to do or need to do instead. 

This year, for Mother’s Day, take out some of Mom’s favorite games. Gather the snacks. Have a game night. Just remember there is to be no fussing and fighting. Win or lose, you should do it graciously. 

Mother’s Day Idea #9–Do a Chore

If there is a chore that your mom hates doing, do it for her. Me, I hate doing the dishes. We have a dishwasher. However, somehow, our sink is still always full of dishes. How can a sink hold so many dishes that the dishwasher is absolutely full? 

Whatever chore your mom doesn’t like to do, do it. Dishes. Laundry. Bathrooms. Windows. Dusting. Sweeping/Mopping. No matter the chore, do it so she doesn’t have to worry about it on Mother’s Day. 

Mother’s Day Idea #10–Write Something

Write a story, song, or poem to or about Mom. Make sure that it is nice and loving. Don’t make Mom the villain of the story. You can always write that story another day if you must. 

Take the time to write something from your heart to your mom. She will love it. Likely, it will be something that she keeps and cherishes for a long, long time. 


Gifts for Mother’s Day do not have to be expensive or over the top. They can be simple, heartfelt things that you plan out a little ahead of time. The biggest and most important thing to remember about Mother’s Day is to be sure, at the end of the day, Mom knows how much she is loved by everyone in her life. We should celebrate our moms every day. Since Mother’s Day is set aside for them, let’s make sure she knows how special she is that day. 

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